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tv   KTVU Fox 2 News at 4pm  FOX  November 17, 2015 4:00pm-5:01pm PST

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investigators found a cell phone believed to belong to one of the attackers containing a message that basically said okay we're ready. >> it is one of several new developments we are following in the investigation. of the paris attacks. with that welcome to the four on 2 everyone, i'm mike mibach. >> i'm keba arnold. we will have the very latest on paris in just a minute. but first, we'll start in san jose. that's where a high school student is being accused of distribution of child porn. >> and the 17-year-old allegedly solicited nude photos through the instagram account. ashleyjoining us live with more. >> and we're told that the instagram account had been taken down and that the school is working with representatives to make sure that no other accounts pop up. i want you to listen to something that we heard here at the school today.
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>> reporter: well that is what was over the loud speaker today, thanking students for their help after identifying the 17-year-old who they say started this instagram account. they had inappropriate starters of the underage female classmates. more police will go in to detail about the accounts, other than that they found out about it yesterday and immediately notified police. some of their friends were victims. >> i thought it was childish. just the fact that you're posting it. and depriving someone of their privacy. like some just resurfaced out of nowhere. >> reporter: she tells me that they had photos, taking up the parties outside of school and these girls who have no idea
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that they would be shared online, leaving school crying. that it wasn't just neutral that some students would say that the random pictures were taken and also posted with derogatory remarks about the female girls. they placed calls to parents and sent that home, as we spoke to one that will do just that and that they will check their social media accounts to see what they are posting. >> you've got to wonder if they realize just how serious that this could be. what do we know about them? >> reporter: given that they are a minor that they are not saying much. but we do know that it is no laughing matter, facing the serious charges, child pornography charges. possibly be suspended or expelled. >> this is just isolated to the high school behind you or any other individuals involved? >> well, we have heard the reports in the letter sent home
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to parents that they would say that they would involve the other schools in the district and that some of the photos were students here at lincoln high school. i spoke with police and also the school district that they are not saying much that they are looking in to it and it had weather that it is being sent to all parents in the district to notify them of what's going on. >> thank you. this afternoon we have obtained new surveillance video from friday, just moments before the crash as they would show that they slammed in to the wall. knocking in some very large orange construction barriers out of its path. people stopped, they're looking, drivers are nearby trying to get out of the way when they realize what's
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happening. right now tara moriarty is looking through all the surveillance video that she has obtained coming up at the 5:00 on -- 5 on 6:00, you'll see what caused that crash. investigating graffiti found today that the symbols were spray painted. and that they say it is not a symbol of the islamic state. they're investigating this as a possible hate crime and even the motivation for painting that symbol at the school. that lead to the evacuations of two events in germany. that first game just 90 minutes for the soccer match. members were scheduled to attend as they would say that
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they would receive the false alarm with no reports of nigiris. they report that the second evacuation came in the other stadium where the songs were sent to report at that event either. >> those living in the city of lights flowers and notes of sorrow spanned outside. all for the 129 people killed by the isis militants on friday. they had reopened to the public yesterday with the increase of police and military presence. that they are disappointed that they cannot go up there to the tower, but they understand why it is closed as they would choose to admire it from below. >> reports of the cell phone
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that was found that belonged to one of the attackers. they tell them that the phone had a message on it, saying that effectively that we're ready. >> this as they are still searching for one of the men involved in that terror attacks and the other they believe to be a mastermind. >> police searched departments rented by two that they would say participated in the attacks, that he died after taking his own life outside the cafe as one person was shot in that explosion. they are also searching for abdelhamid abaaoud who masterminded the operation. police impound add car found in northern paris today -- impounded a car found in northern paris today. it's the third vehicle identified in this investigation so far with belgium license plates found near a commuter train line that connects to france's national stadium. three suicide bombers detonated that vest after one of them was
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denied entry in to the stadium. >> all of this as they have detained several people as a part of their investigation in to the terror attacks. we have the very latest on that part of the story. >> reporter: two women and one man in this small western german town taken in for questioning as a part of the ongoing investigation in to the paris attacks on friday, which left more than 120 dead and more than twice as many wounded. asdorf is located near the belgium borderer two suspects with direct -- border where two suspects with direct ties to the plotting of the attacks are from. they found a car believed to be used by several of the terrorists involved in the attacks. >> i went out and saw everything was blocked as they were everywhere, afraid a little bit. i stayed in front of my door and they told me to go home, just go home. >> meanwhile the secretary of state spoke to fox news this morning during the visit to paris.
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they defended their state approach while battling the islamic state. >> most americans do not want and they do not think that it will be necessary to send the members of the american troops to occupy syria. and bombing the isis targets in syria, meanwhile russia intelligent officials say that it was a bomb that brought down that metro jet plane headed from egypt to st. petersburg, russia. in washington joel waldman fox news. a record for el niño that members out yesterday shows that the water temperatures are out the equator and now running that unprecedented 5.4 degrees above normal, which means that they have officially surpassed a superel niño of 1997 and 1998. >> it's not the only factor as chief meteorologist bill martin also out to work. >> we see the unusual stories about wildlife sightings off
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our coast, sharks, whales, tropical fish. some people blaming the increased activity on el niño, but really there's something else going on out there too. >> humpback sh southern california. and thousands of red tuna crabs from baja washing up on san diego beaches. our coast is alive with unusual marine-like sightings and everyone wants to know what's behind it. >> el niño. >> el niño. >> reporter: everyone knows el niño brings unusually warm waters to the pacific pumping up our winter storms. but these warm seas stretching all the way up to alaska, which could be fueling the spectacle of marine activity is actually something completely separate. >> there's another phenomenon out there called the blomp like a pool of warm waters,
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unusually warm waters off the gulf of alaska and off the coast of california that happened over the last year or two. the reason for that is the county mode and that they will be related to the current counselor. >> the they have been watching them converging at the same time. >> they have heard warm waters and that it must be here. that they are separate entities. only half the time do we see warmer than warmer water along the california coast. >> it is not a cause and effect. >> even though it is on everyone's minds this winter that it may be the blob creating the perfect storm of warm seas and weather conditions leading to more wildlife sightings. >> the warm blob has an effect on the eco system somewhat of what they do in a sense that okay they would disrupt what
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will be less nutrients. with the upcoming el niño, the thought would be that it will be remorse and they are migrating from the feeding traces. more pacific. >> reporter: since they are the engines driving our weather. and that they are showing all the warm waters stretching up to the coast. it could mean an even more amplified el niño. and from 1997. >> it's the poster child that has been put out there as far as el niño. >> reporter: that event lead to the death of 20,000 people causing almost $100 billion of damage worldwide. >> this attack is big, if not bigger than the other one. >> reporter: a lot of confidence in the forecasting community that this will continue to be a very strong event up until the first of the year. >> reporter: and with the addition of the warm blob,
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california's coast could be in for a unique and unpredictable winter on land and at sea. so just the other day a couple days ago they came out and said hey listen this is now the warmest waters that we have seen ever. we're talking about the '97 and the '98 event and the strong el niños right now for last week sampling. where they will be warmer than the '98 event, which is the warmest today. so it is hard to say what will happen, but this thing will rank up there with the strongest. >> you've been in the waters recently. is it cooling down at all? >> it is fascinating because we have some of this in the break and el niño, you've got summer, winter, fall and spring. the seasons, still affect the weather. el niño is right behind them. and then the rest of the stuff and the warm blob and the oscillation, all the different currents out there. these are just some of the small minute players.
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the whole deal. when i say that they popped the record to the rest of the pacific that trumps anything that they are doing. but in the water, yes, the last two years, they were setting records at 68 degrees with 7- degree readings. >> the normal is? >> oh gosh 58, 59. >> when you hear how bad it was, '97, '98, you're talking about billions of dollars worth of damages. what can we do? just wait and see? we don't know what's happening. we can't really prepare for it. >> be careful what you wish for because we love the idea of el niño, right? because we need the rain, but you're right. if we get what they've got in texas or the east coast, if you get 12 inches of rain and 12 hours that you'll have a massive problem. it's sort of careful what you wish for. and that we are expecting a good amount of rain this season and with this very strong el niño, especially south of monterey where most of the rain lend up falling. >> thanks, bill. all week we're taking an in-
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depth look. and that they will continue tonight. on the 10:00 news with rosemary orozco taking a look at areas that face the highest risk for landslides, flooding, and erosion up and down the coast. coming up one of the biggest names in hollywood went on tv today to say that he is hiv positive. we'll tell you why charlie sheen said it was time to go public and the impact he would have with people that share the same diagnosis. right now on the facebook page, the linebacker aldon smith has been sus peppedded from the nfl for one year. it comes after the league decided that smith had violated the league's substance abuse policy. find out more and hear what smith told ktvu about. all you have to do is go to our facebook page. a quick peek outside. it looks like a slow start to your tuesday evening commute in both directions there. the four on 2 will be right back.
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a complete, and tasty way to support... ...your energy... ...immunity... and metabolism like never before. centrum multigummies. see gummies in a whole new light. iit's just a cough.ur cough, you'd see how often you cough all day and so would everyone else. new robitussin 12 hour delivers fast, powerful cough relief that lasts up to twelve hours. new robitussin 12 hour cough relief. because it's never just a cough. a pre-super bowl security drill at levi stadium brought together multiple law enforcement and multiple agencies to prepare before the big game. but it was initially invited. after the attacks, the cameras and reporters were kept at the distance. >> we don't really advertise our security protocols. so we would try to keep this discreet. and there are certain things that we don't want filmed or publicized. >> reporter: and now officials say that it was planned well before the paris attacks.
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and today's exercises, they went as plned. officials wouldn't say whether or not that they would change their game plan in light of the paris attacks. but telling us that they will be doing everything that they can to make sure that the fans and players are all faith. expected to announce the position of arizona. he has been chosen by the city of tucson to take over its department and when it is the chief of december. and during their 10-year he oversaw the drop in the cities on the homicide rig and that they would catch up with the mayor that would praise the chief for their works specifically in community policing. >> you can't really run an effective police department. and with their police, you know, that you'll need to have the whole community buy in to it and to have confidence and respect for the police department. that is really what he has accomplished too. >> the mayor said that they will conduct an extensive search to find the replacement, but noted a good selection of the qualified people to find from within that police
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department. they are said to officially appoint them as their new chief and after approval from its mayor and council during a meeting tonight. checking out with our meteorologist rosemary orozco standing by in the weather center. not quite as chilly as yesterday. a little warmer. >> you're right, absolutely. we are warmer, at least most of us, a warming trend that we will continue to see as we get to the coming days with a live look there at the bay with a mix of sun and clouds on out there. and that soft sunlight is what we're seeing as we've got beautiful weather outdoors. here is a look at storm tracker two and a look at the clouds that you can see how they are just noticing it from the north. as i back up here, i'll show you clearly the defined ridge that is right over the pacific and how those clouds just again, they spill right in to the bay area and in to california and for the week ahead, we'll be in and out of the clouds and that they will stay to the north. temperatures will continue to climb with each passing day as this ridge again, they will continue to strengthen over the bay area. temperatures at 60 degrees in livermore with the lower 60s in
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fairfield. around the bay the upper 60s in san francisco and hayward right now. mid-50s closer to the water at half moon bay. as we shift our eyes to the north bay, 65 in santa rosa and napa and earlier today, warmed up to the upper 60s to the 70s. four degrees warmer than where we were yesterday. and just a tad warmer in livermore for you this afternoon. san jose by two and mountain view by three and a tad cooler in areas right around hayward. as we get in to the week ahead, we're going to remain with dry conditions. i noticed and you'll notice here as we took this in to motion that they will stay primarily to the north. all we'll get are these clouds that will be pulling through wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, in to sunday. and then we'll get in to next week and we're already in to tuesday as we're looking at a week away and that will be the next possibility for some rain coming our way as it looks like tuesday, it'll be the first chance that we're going to remain dry for the next several days. as we get going tomorrow morning, a little patchy fog out there with partly cloudy
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skies. we won't be as cold, but still a cool start. 42 degrees is expected for santa rosa tomorrow morning and napa and the east bay low 40s expected for areas like livermore and concord and the south bay at 45 in san jose and then for our communities, right around the bay, 49 in hayward. and 49 in oakland and 62 in san francisco and 51 degrees expected for pacifica in to the afternoon. temperatures, slightly warmer than what we have for today. and today is warmer than yesterday and 69 for oakland as well as hayward and the east bay upper 60s expected for you. along the peninsula, 67 in san mateo. in to the south bay 67 for the popular number there. the north bay locations, one of the warmer spots for tomorrow. 72 expected for santa rosa in napa and along the coast the lower 60s with partly cloudy skies. the extended forecast there with your bay area weekend in view and remaining partly cloudy with the mild weather and each passing day that looks like friday will be one of the
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warmest days. for your bay area weekend, partly cloudy skies. temperatures will be coming down just slightly as we will remain dry and again that our next chance for maybe some rain that will come in on tuesday. >> got it. thank you. all right, when the french tv station asks children what they thought about the attacks of paris, well it prompted a very touching conversation between a father and his young son as we will show you how he explained to his son and how he comforted that young boy in the face of terrorism.
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one father's precious conversations about it was recorded during the interview on french television and that many people are sharing it now on social media in french. and take a look at it here that they could read what they say in the english subtitle.
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>> very powerful. >> right. when the producer pointed it out. and my goodness. the flowers and candles are there to protect us. and we won't have to move. >> just an honest conversation between the father and the son right there in the memorial and
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that i love when they say that we need to move and that france is our house and that i'm honest there as you would mention that they would protect us as you could see the young boy thinking about what their dad says. >> okay, i understand. and they would hit me hard too and having a conversation about it and that guy. >> and he said that he found out that he was hiv positive about four years ago. since then that he has been paying millions of dollars to keep that information private and until now that the reason that he is sharing the information with the public and the impact that it could have on people and their perception about living with hiv and aids and that the four on 2 will be right back. with a 100% electric nissan what will you do? how far will you go?
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who patiently teaches how ta feast comes to life. the "family" ...who spends their holiday dinner with thankful strangers. the neighbor...who shares the season with another. you inspire us to do everything we do... ...for goodness' sake.
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actor charlie sheen publicly shared that he is hiv positive. sheen said he was diagnosed four years ago after suffering a range of symptoms leading him to worry that he possibly had a brain tumor, but they determined he was infected with hiv the virus that leads to aids. he sat down with matt lauer on the today show to talk about living with hiv. >> it's a hard thing to absorb, you know. >> it is a turning point in one's life. >> reporter: sheen told every
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sexual partner and claims that it is impossible that he has infected anyone else. he also said that he has had many people threaten to make that diagnosis public. we are taking four minutes to talk about this public impact. >> they also sit on the planning commission for san francisco. thanks for being here with us today. >> thank you for having us here. >> what does it mean for you and other people living with hiv? >> i really think that the timing is really good as we need to have a big conversation about it once again. and the interesting thing is that it should not be a story.
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and many survivors have been here for a while. more about support. >> and you talk about being diagnosed decades ago. a lot of people die quickly, but you sitting here being alive. having this conversation. >> and you know, you're right. the person that infected me died one year after we were in touch. that's the way that we deal with life, you know, that it is somehow the balance of being
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well informed, with medicines. and i don't know, for me that my favorite board is balance to keep a balanced life in some way. >> and what about the ignorance, what they think of it? >> there are many people that think about it, to really talk about what is really and that you know it is incredible for many people. and that it took me a while and a long time to accept it
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myself. thank you for joining us. and now my question to you, is there still a lot of reluctant for those individuals being tested with hiv? why? >> that the stigma is passing the virus. and that it is still very much the same statement that we've had since the beginning of the epidemic. for many people involved in this day-to-day as it will be hard to understand why this stigma would be profound and that there are many reasons for it, but nonetheless that it is the case. that they might take students and the other members of their top 100 list that we put together, that they are great examples of long-term survivors, which is why we want
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to celebrate the other people on the list. i was on the web site today. the treatment in the first place. talk about the goal. >> sure, it was founded by the activist here today. that they will continue without him. and our vision is very simple. as we want to uplift people with those living with the virus that want to support us. but primarily here for those
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people with born sections. one that they could provide that support. >> and just decades ago when you found out today? >> i was just saying that you look fantastic. >> and definitely anyone that will be with that difficulty how many times we were told that, so now it's another process that society is not even ready for us as we will need to get those services, because we are getting older with hiv as we are here to live with hiv and surviving with hiv. that we are surviving every
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day. >> and is this an important conversation to have. thank you both for being with us. coming up in the wake of the muslims attack for the social media campaign and to say that they would stand with france and against the terrorism. and many muslims face it, the islamic state game's notoriety. and a warmer afternoon over the bay area and temperatures are still climbing. i'm tracking this warming trend and just how high we'll go coming up. and a look outside at the golden gate bridge speaking of 746 feet, top to bottom right there traffic wise, not bad in both directions, going in to san francisco. and the four on two will be right back.
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an islamic center in texas was vandalized, worried that it could be linked to the terrorist attacks. vandals left feces and torn up pages from a quran in front of their door on monday. a board member for the islamic center could only assume that the acts are related to the terrorist attacks, now afraid of practicing his faith there at the mosque. >> i'm afraid what to tell my kids that were born and bred here and what do i tell them? that they are americans, but
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not quite? and that's sad. >> well neighbors are reaching out, in fact one mother brought her son to the islamic center today because he wanted to donate the $20 that he had saved up. he wanted to give it to the mosque. so far there have been no arrests. the paris terrorist attacks have rigged a united campaign by many muslims who stand against isis. and all acts of terror made in the name of islam, using the hashtag, #notinmyname. here are just a few of the tweets shared by muslims say that it is a religion of peace. we are no different, we stand with france. we are one and united and we pray for world peace. otinmyname,#iamamuslim. >> and we are killed as much as you. this is not islam,
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otinmyname. am a muslim. islam is a religion of peace, not violence, #notinmyname. >> right now we're joined by the governmental relations coordinator for the council on american islamic relations. thank you for joining us this afternoon. and just for a matter on how it will be addressed on the global scale that it seems like after every terrorist attacks that there appears to be backlash, which is islamaphobia. why is that? >> well, it is really unfortunate and that i think that what happens is that i think that people are bombarded by messages that it equals tear or almost from condoning violence or to support violence. in reality that it is the tiniest of the fraction of the folks who might support terrorism. and that it will be a chance for belief. 99.99% of all muslims, they would condemn on this type of
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violence. z that they would speak for peace. and that it is the problem. that we'll need to get them out and that they have been continued to condemn their violence in condemning the terrorism. that it is not being heard as you would have the religious leaders who are speaking out against it. and i thank you very much for highlighting this. because the every day average. and that they want peace and they condemn violence as i appreciate you. it has >> and that you say it will be important to get that word out and do you think that something like this that is not in my name campaign that would disagree with you that they will be sitting there, watching and listening and saying that we need to change our mind on this. do you think that it is happening because of the social media campaign? >> yes, absolutely. i think that this campaign and this twitter campaign, that they will definitely help you. and that you would have multiple websites and
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organizations, such as care. and that it will be the care on the council. and that you'll have the society of north carolina. that you have multiple organizations, that, you know, they are reaching out, speaking out. and actually even going in and speaking out to others and in different congregations. and about, you know, islam and about how islam condemns violence. >> and you think that isis poses a threat to muslims? >> oh, absolutely. i mean that one isn't being killed by isis, you know, but being killed by isis and the people about their fate. and so, you know, that they definitely pose more of a. there and that all of these refugees were fleeing the violence, fleaing the violence that it has been imposed by isis. and so that they are not isis sympathizers at all. >> let me ask you about that point that you want to get to in being on the news with a lot of them here, wanting to talk to the borders being closed and
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all the syrian refugees. do you think that they will keep the threat of isis out? >> i mean honestly, that the refugee centers coming here, that they are being vetted. that there is an intense security protocol in order to find out, you know, just ho have them come over here and that they have been vetted as they pose no threat at all. >> you can. 100% stand there and say that the vetted process, that we don't know specifically the government. >> and -- >> what was that? >> i apologize, we can't say 100% of anything. >> right. >> but to my knowledge i trust in the government and their procedures. and i trust that they are going to be doing their best to make sure that those that are coming in are truly refugees in need. and they are the ones that are really facing the brunt of it, that they have been increasing years of persecution over there and now they are coming over here being turned away. and that is really unfortunate
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and that i standby our precedence that they need to show compassion and to show our true universal views, that america was founded upon. >> well #notinmynames with tens of thousands of tweets out there. the governmental relations coordinator for the council on american islamic relations. thank you for taking the time. >> thank you very much. >> all right, let's send it over to keba and rosemary. all right, three weeks in a row we saw the rain sunday in to monday. >> right. >> yes. we are now going to be in a dry period for the next several days. >> yes, it was. and that every sunday and november and that we would have rain going in to monday and that is some good news. but we are going to take a break. the next chance for some rain will come in and that it looks like next tuesday. and how about a view outdoors. isn't that a beautiful sky that we would have a mix of sun and clouds out there today. mid to high-level clouds. sleeping over the bay area.
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coming over the ridge to drive temperatures up. slightly warmer than what we were yesterday as tomorrow they will follow suit and continue. and just a bump in temperatures with each passing day, until we get to friday as it looks like it will be one of the warmest days in santa rosa. san francisco is cooling off. 61 in oakland. livermore at 68 degrees. 61 in san jose with a look at the storm tracker two where you could see the clouds in our area. they point to the north and they've got rain falling over the northwest corners, right around eureka, seeing a little bit of the scattered shower activity. for us, they will continue to strengthen in over the the bay area and they will continue to push that strong track to the north. we're not going to see any of this. in fact that it will be about as close as it will be to us. at least for the next several days. partly cloudy, patchy fog as we would start tomorrow morning, a chilly start. but as the afternoon highs continue to climb and the overnight lows are coming up as well. we won't be as cold, still cold
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though. as we get in to wednesday slightly warmer, some low 70s appearing in the forecast for tomorrow afternoon. the low 60s will remain for areas right along the coastline. here is a look at their numbers as we would head to tomorrow morning and in to sunrise. 42 degrees expected for santa rosa and napa and san rafael to the inner east bay. temperatures on the chillier side. 42 in fairfield and livermore. and the locations are in the lower 40s for you in san jose and around the bay. widespread in the low 40s to the 50s. 52 san francisco. 43 in mountain view and 47 in hayward. while the temperatures are cool if you remember just a day or two ago that we're looking at 30s in some of our colder valley locations. afternoon highs for tomorrow 72 expected in santa rosa, upper 60s for san rafael. and 70 degrees for sonoma. mild weather. mostly sunny, partly cloudy along the east bay shoreline and the upper60s for oakland,
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caster valley, and the upper 60s for the inner east bay as well. 68 is expected here. the south bay location more of the same with the upper 60s in san jose expected for gilroy. shifting up along the peninsula and redwood city. 67 san mateo and 66 expected for san francisco. the extended forecast here always in view. with each passing day that it will be a little tough to tell that the temperatures are warming. when we would look back to monday and look ahead for friday and over the course of the next several days that we'll see them warm up finally, falling off just a little bit, we still look like we will be dry for your weekend with the next possibility coming up on tuesday. >> perfect. thank you. and let's check in now with a live look at the stories that you're working on for fox 2 news at 5:00. we're seeing more images of that double decker accident. >> and tracking down those new surveillance videos today, showing you the tool bus that will be creaming out of control, crashing in to san francisco's union square, injuring 20 people.
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some critically. now they will give us another look coming up on the different angles, showing you what happened as they would determine exactly what caused that devastating crash. keba? it is a big change for the oakland raiders and the roster. >> a big change for more fallout surrounding them today as they would come after the big announcement today in the oakland raiders linebacker that they were suspended for a full year. and the director mark ibanez will talk to us about the penalties and what it means and the reasons behind it. those stories and much more coming up at 5:00. we'll see you then. >> thank you. and straight ahead, before they were headed to vegas to record it all for the cameras. and something went wrong. >> do you see it? >> i have heard about it. >> we will explain what happens when the four on two returns. ♪
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all right taking a look at some of the stories we are talking about on social media. and how is your emoji game? >> i like to use them. >> if you see the face with the tears of joy, you're on track. oxford dictionary said this emoji is their word. even though it's not actually a word. >> the face with tears of joy was the most used emoji around the world this year and best reflects the efforts and the mood and the preoccupations of 2015. if they are the tears of joy, but i think of it that you're laughing so hard, but you're crying. >> i don't know. i'm not a big fan of the emojis. i like the shades. >> he's cool. all right, now on your screen, some of the other words that would make that short list. but it will be a collection of their websites that would use the special software to remain
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anonymous or untraceable. >> the lumber sexual. an outdoorman. >> and where they are being shared between people for free or for a fee and typically online such as airbnb, ebay, uber. >> this next one, you've got to feel bad for this guy and their recent trip to las vegas. it's a big hit on social media. just take a look. >> and you can see them here. no, that view is looking there. >> his name is joseph griffin who borrowed his son evans and their gopro camera to capture the sights. but he didn't know how to use it apparently. so he had it on back wards, capturing his face. >> yeah, even though that he posted, or has not posted that footage on youtube where it is now viewed more than four million times, saying that it is just from their first day of the dad's trip. anymore days. >> yeah. >> and because his dad would take the camera swimming without using that water proof
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case, bye bye. bye bye camera. although that the san mateo- based company gopro says they will send him a new camera and maybe a thanks for the laughs. >> an epic fail in the studio laugh -- studios laughing at him. >> he traveled so far, you know. >> darn it. >> that's the frustration out there. all right coming up the u.s. attorney general on capitol hill today talking about how the nation can accept refugees fleaing from the middle east while also protecting americans from terrorism. the promise when the four on two returns.
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republicans in congress are trying to block the pledge to allow 10,000 syrian refugees in to the united states. >> the attorney general appeared before the house judicial committee today facing tough questions for those screening procedures. >> do you disagree with the fbi director when he said that vetting, shooting refugees is extremely difficult if not impossible? >> well, i'm not sure if it was impossible. but certainly not only was the department of justice, but all the other agencies willing to make the effort that every
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refugee coming in to the country from the data bases to the interviews are subject to the biometrics screening as well. certainly challenges to the process because of the situation in syria. but i would know, however, that we do have the benefit of having that robust screening process in place and the process that they were not able to set up. which means that they will be much more vulnerable. >> reporter: they said that protecting the u.s. from the threat of the state and the other terrorist group is the justice department's top priority. saying more than 70 people have been charged in the last two years for the misconduct related to the activities and their home grown violence. >> they were seen here on this map and allowing any refugees to enter their state. >> reporter: they are here as they may take advantage of the opportunity to slip in to the country along with legitimate refugees. >> let's turn over to frank and julie and new information about the threat in europe. >> reporter: that's right.
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spreading from france to germany. >> reporter: the stadium was evacuated before the major soccer match with an international man hunt underway for the possible second suspect involved in the terrorist attacks in paris. good evening everyone, i'm frank somerville. >> i'm julie haener. they are now reporting that they are looking for the second unidentified fugitive in connection with that terror attack in paris. that news came as the french forces would search their apartment of the terrorist suspect. and they were looking for clues to his whereabouts. and also tonight reports of the cell phone that has been found to one of the hackers, saying that they are ready. >> reporter: two events in germany were evacuated because of fears of the terrorist attacks. both in the city of hannover, happening 90 minutes. members of the germ


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